

昼間は普通の女子学生「皇木 新奈」として過ごす彼女の真の姿は…、宇宙を股に掛ける賞金稼ぎ「バウンティ・ニーナ」だった!

左藤空気氏完全オリジナルキャラクター「皇木 新奈」が1/5スケールでフィギュア化です。




夜な夜な敵を倒して荒稼ぎ「皇木 新奈(バウンティ・ニーナ)」のチャーミングな姿を、ぜひともあなたのお手元でお楽しみください!

特 典: 左藤空気氏イラストポストカード(オンライン購入特典)



● 掲載画像はイメージです。実際の商品とは異なります。
● 銀行振り込みのご入金期限は、ご注文日が平日の場合、ご注文日を1日目として7営業日以内とさせていただきます。
● ご注文後キャンセルをお受けすることが出来ません。予めご了承下さい。
● お支払方法・お支払期限・送料・商品発送、につきましては「ご利用ガイド」で必ずご確認下さい。
● 18歳未満の方はご購入頂けません。
● この商品は年齢制限をしております。よってこの商品の写真画像を年齢確認無く公開するなどの行為はご遠慮ください。
● ネイティブホームページ内の画像の無断転載・転用を禁止します。



名称 皇木新奈
作品 藤空気氏画师原创
价格 23980日元
尺寸 1/5比例手办 全高约355mm
原型 マッカラン24

如您预约了此款商品,请务必加补款企鹅群以免错过补款信息 <补款企鹅4群>:242178257

如预约的是提前商品请加入 <先行预约补定金企鹅群>:1147101707




  1. Hey, It’s me Mahmud Ghazni. Recently your website caught my attention while searching for similar domain names. After entering the website, It seems that your website is not yet complete. Also I noticed that your website does not have proper On-Page SEO setup yet. In fact, the SEO issue is the most important issue for every website. Because if you don’t do proper SEO, no matter how beautiful and attractive the website is, visitors will not come to it. And without visitors, the website has no value. So I thought I should try to contact you by leaving a comment on your website. Because as a Freelancer, I provide SEO and WordPress related services like WordPress Design & Development, Theme Customization, Speed Optimization, Website Migration, On-Page SEO Setup, Malware Removal etc services to my clients. I can offer you these services at competitive price range.
    The biggest advantage of hiring me is that you have to pay much less than hiring a Freelancer from marketplace or Agency. Because in the marketplace you have to pay extra fee for the service But you don’t have to pay any extra fee for hiring me, It means you save a lot of money here. For the past 3 years I have been providing services to various IT company in our country. Due to the previous Covid pandemic situation and the impact of the lockdown, many companies have closed down. That’s why I’m currently offering Freelance services to International clients. Since I am a new Freelancer in the online marketplace, That’s why I’m trying to reach clients in various ways.
    So let me know what kind of service you need. I will try my best to make you happy through the service. You can contact me by Email or Whatsapp if you want to know more details or call a meeting with me.
    Best Regards,
    Mahmud Ghazni
    WhatsApp: +8801322311024
    Email: mahmud.ghazni@yahoo.com
